Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Few Items Left

Good Morning! I wanted to start by saying thank you to all the people who supported me at the 2 Holiday Bazaars that I did this season! It was a great success and I couldn't have done it without you. With that being said, I have a few items left and since I am done with selling as a vendor at Holiday Bazaars this year they are for sale on here to anyone within a reasonable distance. (I'm not going to be shipping these). Anything doesn't sell in the next little bit will be displayed in my sisters salon to be sold. If you want to buy something let me know asap, I have limited sets of the following items, email me at or call/text 206-930-7176. We can set up a meeting time. When the items are gone, they are gone. I will be taking very limited orders this holiday season as I want to spent as much time with my 2 kiddos before having a 3rd in February. So act fast and let me know. Here are pictures of the items I have left:
Reversible "Merry Christmas/Always Be Thankful"
1 set left

Reversible "Believe/Harvest"
2 sets left

Reversible "Fall/Noel"
2 sets left

"Give Thanks"
3 sets left

Christmas Count Down Blocks
3 sets left (Paper may vary)

Reversible "Seahawks/Sounders"
2 sets left

Reversible "Seahawks/Sounders" Stack
3 sets

"BYU" Blocks
2 sets left

Grandparents Board
1 left

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